Friday, 13 December 2013

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Go Premier?

The only thing that make me feel so imbecile when every single time attending the monthly gathering is to hear everything that never change, low-ranked officer has to obey the rules at the same time all the "giant sharks" greedily eat the "ikan bilis" at will, you have to be honest, avoid corruption (f**k that bitches) and other "good" advices. Not a chance!

Not today mate! PKK's monthly gathering today really sparked me something that out of this world. While I'm enjoying our beloved Hj. Wan Mohd. Nasir speech, something has came to my attention. What is it matey? If I'm not misunderstood, I heard something very crispy and clearly that our Director said Politeknik Kota Kinabalu is the target for Primera polytechnic for this coming two or three years following the successful established of Politeknik Ungku Omar, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah and Politeknik Johor Bahru.

The quote is really surprised me and it is not come to my attention that Ministry of Education would announced this kind of explosive news so soon. Now I really understood why Hjh. Norehan (Academic Deputy Director) had pushed me and TBK's crew to the limit in making the Center of Technology (COT) something that we're all dreamt about come to reality.

When we are talking about getting premier, it is always refer to the development of niche area. Proudly to say, Wood Based Technology as we already know, is a niche area that is currently being developed at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu and it is the on-going efforts for the community benefit. I don't wanna to take it heavily at current stage unless it is really a dream that already comes true.

One thing for sure, if Politeknik Kota Kinabalu is set for the big thing as mentioned by the Director, I'll have my chance to fullfil my long-life dream, bringing the world to Woodtech Tribe at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. This is what I'm trained for! GO FOR PRIMERA WOODTECH!!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Field Trip To Klias Peat Swamp Forest Field Centre, Beaufort

There and back again. I'm back with my true nature of me. On October 11, 2013 I had a field trip to Klias Peat Swamp Forest Field Centre which is located at Klias Peninsula, Beaufort, Sabah. This is my very first field trip in Sabah since the arrival from Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. Thus, I think this is a very good opportunity to make another kick start of my forest dwelling nature.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

World Biome: Boreal or Taiga Forest

I do not know where to start after a long period of not writing something in my blog. After GE13 , Malaysian people are more likely to search and read about what is going to happen next with Barisan Nasional hold another five years to continue their triumph. Let be gone be by gone. I have to move forward, and I think it is best to be reasonable by looking back to my original motive of establishing this blog, to share the knowledge of forest with the people. That is more like it.

As I mentioned in my previous posts, there are three (3) major forest biome in the world namely:

1. Rainforest,
2. temperate forest, and
3. boreal or taiga forest.

Both are the major constituents that are so very important in balancing the world climates. I have discussed about rainforest in my previous post and I will discuss more about boreal or taiga forest biome in this post.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Keputusan Penuh Pilihanraya Umum Malaysia Kali Ke-13

Berikut adalah keputusan penuh Pilihanraya Umum Malaysia 13 yang telah dilaksanakan pada 5 Mei 2013:

Syabas dan tahniah kepada Barisan Nasional yang sekali lagi memegang tampuk pemerintahan di Malaysia untuk tempoh lima tahun lagi. Jika dibandingkan dengan pencapaian pada PRU 12 yang lalu jumlah kerusi Parlimen telah merosot sebanyak 7 kerusi.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Pilihanraya Umum Datang Lagi!

Tanggal 5 Mei 2013 sememangnya satu tarikh keramat yang amat ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk menentukan masa depan mereka di negara yang tercinta ini. Pada tarikh tersebutlah genap dan matangnya tempoh lima tahun pemerintahan kerajaan yang diungguli oleh Barisan Nasional selama 55 tahun sejak merdeka lagi. Tetapi sejak akhir-akhir ini angin mula bertiup kencang membawa berita akan bakal tumbangnya "pepohon tua" yang telah lama menggugurkan "daun keringya" di laman orang. Fakta ataupun persepsi hanya 5 Mei ini sahajalah yang akan dapat ditentukan.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Toyota HarrierKu!

Aku memang sudah lama mengimpikan untuk memiliki sebuah kenderaan SUV atau MPV sejak dikurniakan dengan anak ketigaku, Muhammad Zarif Taqiyyuddin, lagi. Namun atas pelbagai sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan terpaksalah aku kuburkan harapan tersebut. Mimpi tetap kan menjadi mimpi.

Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Berkuasa, Maha Segala-galanya dan Maha Mendengar. Percaya dan yakinlah itu dengan sepenuh hati kita. tanggal 1 Mac 2013 merupakan satu tarikh yang tidak akan lupakan dalam liputan sejrah hidupku sebagai seorang insan kerdil di sisi Allah. Pada tanggal itulah akhirnya impianku bersama dengan isteri tercinta menjadi kenyataan untuk memiliki sebuah kenderaan yang besar. TOYOTA HARRIER 3.0!

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