Monday 5 December 2011

Forest Of The World - Part 2

Rainforest can be defined as a multi-storied closed with continuous tree canopy of variable heights, broad-leaved forest vegetations and characteristics diversity of species and life form. It is located at 30 degree North to 30 degree South latitude of our globe. Geographically, the rainforest is an endemic type of forest that lies along the equator line.

Rainforest can be classifed into 2 categories:
  1. Tropical rainforest
  2. Temperate rainforest
For this part 2 entry, I will briefly elaborate about tropical rainforest.

Tropical rainforest located mainly along the equator line. This category of forest received a lot of rainfall all year long compared to temperate rainforest. Below are the characteristics of tropical rainforest:
  • occur in lowland with heavy rain.
  • lush and warm all year long.
  • the yearly rainfall ranges from 80 - 400 inches, and it can rain hard.
  • covering 6 - 7% of Earth's land surface.
  • area: 30 degree North to 30 degree South latitude.
Below are the photos of rainforest that exists in Malaysia:

Rainforest also known as ever-green forest by many forest experts due to its capability to maintain its green leaves all year long in contrast of temperate forest which posses 4 seasons in its cycle and taiga forest that experiences the mildly hot summer merely 26 days a year.

Despite it is only covers about 6 - 7% from Earth's surface, rainforest is a home to 40 - 75% all species of the world's.  This forest also called the "jewels of Earth" and the "world's largest pharmacy" because over one quarter of natural medicines have been discovered there.

More importantly, rainforest is capable in producing 40% of Earth's oxygen and are also responsible for 28% of the world's oxygen turn over, processing it through photosynthesis from carbon dioxide and storing it as carbon through biosequestration.

In the next chapter, I will reveal more about this Earth's gem so impassioned as to share with the others on how importance the rainforest is.

Yours sincerely:
Zaril Faizal b. Zaral Gaffar
5 December 2011

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