Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Wasatiyyah Tonggak Kesatuan Ummah

1 Muharram bersamaan dengan 15 November 2012 esok merupakan genapnya 1434 tahun penghijrahan junjungan besar kita Rasulullah S.A.W. dari Kota Makkah ke Kota Madinah. Di hari yang sama itu juga terciptanya satu sejarah penting di dalam sejarah peradaban umat Islam di mana bersatunya dua kaum utama di Kota Madinah pada ketika itu iaitu Ansar dan Muhajirin menandakan bermulanya detik kegemilangan dan keagungan agama Islam yang kita anuti. 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Allah Itu Maha Berkuasa

Sesungguhnya kita sebagai umat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. wajib meyakini bahawasanya Allah S.W.T. itu adalah Maha Berkuasa lagi Maha Mengasihani. Kita juga wajib mempercayai setiap perbuatan yang dilakukan di atas muka bumi Allah ini samada baik ataupun jahat pasti mendapat balasan yang setimpal di dunia mahupun di akhirat kelak.

Kita sebagai makhluk yang kerdil di sisi Allah sudah sepatutnya senantiasa bermuhasabah diri dalam menjalankan kehidupan seharian di pentas dunia ini. Sebesar mana pun jawatan kita di dalam sektor kerajaan mahupun swasta, sehebat mana pun kita mempunyai kuasa untuk mengatur individu-individu yang kita tidak senangi, sekejam mana kita menindas orang-orang bawahan kita tetap tidak akan terbanding dengan kekuasaan Allah yang Maha Segala-galanya.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

25 Para Nabi dan Rasul

Jika ditanya para remaja era globalisasi masa kini siapakah nama pemain-pemain Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool dan beberapa kelab gergasi Eropah yang lain maka tanpa teragak-agak golongan ini akan memberikan jawapan yang sangat fasih. Daripada penjaga gol hingga ke penyerang sampailah ke pemain-pemain yang duduk di bangku simpanan, tidak seorang pun tertinggal di lidah-lidah remaja tersebut.

Sehinggakan dek kerana taksubnya mereka ini terhadap pemain-pemain bolasepak kelab ternama dunia, dinding-dinding di bilik tidur dihiasi dengan gambar atau poster pemain kesayangan mereka.

Friday, 26 October 2012

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid is the most remarkable building in existence on the face of our planet today. It was built with such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it. This pyramid is so precisely constructed that until recently (with the advent of laser measuring equipment) scientists were not able to discover some of its subtle symmetries (not to mention duplicate them). Among other aspects, there are also very exact geometric relationships between all the structures in the pyramid complex at Giza.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Adha 1433H

26 Oktober 2012, umat Islam di seluruh dunia akan menyambut Hari Raya Eidul Adha 1433H bagi meraikan jemaah haji menunaikan Rukun Islam yang kelima. Tiba-tiba sahaja mindaku mengimbas kenangan bersama-sama dengan warga Seksyen 2, Antara Gapi, Selangor melaksanakan ibadah korban buat julung kalinya.

Bilakah lagi agaknya dapat aku bersama-sama dengan Pak Din, Abg. Rahim, Abg. Hj. Nasuha, Mazlan, Madi, Mail, Abg. Zainal, Usop, Hj. Md. Seri, Hj. Mat, Chot, Hamzah, Cikgu Rizan, Iwan dan saudara-saudara seAntara Gapiku untuk "menumbangkan" barang seekor dua lembu untuk dilapah dagingnya? Hanya Allah sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui dan sesunggunya itulah kenangan yang paling manis tidak sampai dua tahun aku bermasyarakat di situ.

Jadi, di kesempatan yang ada ini, aku ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Eidhul Adha 1433H kepada semua dan teristimewa buat Warga Seksyen 2A, Antara Gapi yang penuh dengan warna-warni kehidupan. I missed you all very much!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

5 Perkara Penting Di Tempat Baharu

Sudah hampir dua bulan lebih lamanya saya tidak menulis di laman blog ini disebabkan oleh kesibukan rutin harian dan urusan di pejabat. Bila sekali terhenti menulis maka bermulalah sifat malas akan menular meresap masuk ke dalam jiwa ini untuk meneruskan kemalasan tersebut.

Saya ingin berkongsi dengan semua mengenai satu perkara yan pada zahirnya kita tidak beberapa ambil kisah pun. Pandangan dan nasihat saya apabila anda terutamanya yang bekerja sebagai penjawat awam yang akan berpindah atau "DIPINDAHKAN" di atas pelbagai alasan wajib ke tempat baharu wajib mendapatkan maklumat-maklumat berikut:
  1. Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak (jika yang sudah berkeluarga ataupun anak),
  2. Hospital utama di sesebuah kawasan,
  3. Balai Polis yang berhampiran untuk dihubungi,
  4. Balai Bomba yang berhampiran untuk dihubungi, dan
  5. jiran paling hampir dengan tempat tinggal anda.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Menyambut Lebaran di Perantauan

Keluargaku berhari raya buat pertama kalinya di perantauan Sabah

29 Ogos 2012 yang akan menjelang tiba minggu hadapan ini bakal menandakan genap lima bulan usiaku menjejakkan kaki di bumi bertuah Sabah ini. Bercakap mengenai pengalamanku di sepanjang berada di sini memang tidak tergambar oleh perkataan. Begitu banyak kenangan pahit dan manis yang telah kulalui tatkala menabur bakti di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah ini.

Monday, 25 June 2012

The Original Seven Wonders of the World

The Seven Wonders of the World has historically been a listing of seven sites known to the Ancient Greeks as the most notable locales in their known world. Since then, many have developed lists of the "modern" Seven Wonders of the World. The only list that really stands out and has stood the test of time for more than a decade is the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

The colossus of Rhodes is familiar to almost everyone. Its history begins with the siege of Demetrios Poliorketes, successor of Alexander the Great, in 305 BC. When Demetrios was defeated, he abandoned all his siege machinery on Rhodes. The Rhodians decided to express their pride by building a triumphal statue of their favorite god, Helios. The task was assigned to the sculptor Chares of Lindos, a pupil of Lysippos himself, and twelve tears (from 304 to 292 BC) were needed to complete it.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Masa Hidup Jangan Dipersia-siakan

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:

"Demi sesungguhnya engkau (wahai Muhammad) akan dapati mereka itu seloba-loba manusia kepada hidup (yang lanjut masanya), dan (lobanya mereka kepada hidup itu) melebihi loba orang-orang kafir musyrik. Tiap-tiap seorang dari mereka suka kiranya ia boleh hidup beribu tahun, padahal umur panjang yang demikian tidak akan dapat melepaskannya dari azab (yang disediakan oleh Allah). Dan (ingatlah), Allah sentiasa melihat akan apa yang mereka lakukan".
(Surah al-Baqarah: 96)

Monday, 21 May 2012

Nikmat Allah S.W.T. Hendaklah Disyukuri

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
"Dan (ingatlah mereka wahai Muhammad), ketika Nabi Musa berkata kepada kaumnya: "Wahai kaumku! Kenanglah nikmat Allah (yang diberikan) kepada kamu ketika Ia menjadikan dalam kalangan kamu beberapa orang nabi, dan ia menjadikan kamu bebas merdeka (Setelah kamu diperhamba oleh Firaun dan orang-orangnya), dan Ia memberikan kepada kamu sesuatu yang tidak pernah diberikan kepada seseorang pun dari umat-umat (yang ada pada masa itu)".
(Surah al-Maa'idah: 20)

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Beware of BANGUNGOT (Acute Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis) - The Silent Killer!

Most of us don't drink before bed time because we want to avoid frequent trips to the bathroom. But something very horrific you need to know about NIGHTMARE or BANGUNGOT! It seems only males are afflicted with this.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Beautiful Sunset At Kota Kinabalu

Ever since I had arrived at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in the beginning of April seems boosted my desire to snap breathtaking sunset photos here. Every single day I attempt to snap photos of the sunset but timing is always against my planning.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Price of Extinction - The New Age of Extinction (Part 3)

Forests razed can grow back, polluted air and water can be cleaned-but extinction is forever. And we're not talking about losing just a few species. In fact, conservationists quietly acknowledge that we've entered an age of triage, when we might have to decide which species can truly be saved.

What A Really Beautiful Concept of "One Malaysia".

"One Malaysia" or "Satu Malaysia" is a sacred motto for all the Malaysian that is believe the best way to unify the multi-races loyal citizen of Malaysia. Thanks to YB Dato' Seri Panglima Mohd. Najib Razak, who is the key person that promoted that such a culture among us.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Price of Extinction - The New Age of Extinction (Part 2)

There have been five extinction waves in the planet's history-including the Permian extinction 250 million years ago, when an estimated 70% of all terrestrial animals and 96% of all marine creatures vanished, and, most recently, the Cretaceous event 65 million years ago, which ended the reign of the dinosaurs.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Madagascar's Vanishing Treasures

Nature cannot be fooled. Once a species perished from our eyes, it will gone forever and what is that mean? It means the end of the world has just getting any closer to us. Stop all these species from vanishing very rapidly due to deforestation activities at Madagascar. Most of these species are classified as critically endangered:

Aye-Aye: Spectacularly strange, it uses its long middle finger to dig grubs from trees.

The Beauties From The Creator

On my way to office, I had a very beautiful morning today by looking at the sunrise and this time I just can't hold into it from taking a very scenic moment that I ever experience ever since staying in Sabah.

Looking to the horizon when sunrise just about to begin is my way of life. That is because I love in peace, harmony and calmness in my living days. I really hate the hustles of city 's busy living and never ending traffic congestion. It makes my IQ going down by a second thinking about those hazards.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The New Age of Extinction (Part 1)

There are at least 8 million unique species of life on the planet, if not far more, and you could be forgiven for believing that all of them can be found in Andasibe, Madagascar. Walking through this rain forest in Madagascar is like stepping into the library of life. Sunlight seeps through the silky fringes of the Ravenea louvelli, an endangered palm found, like so much else on this African Island, nowhere else.

Selamat Menghadapi Peperiksaan Akhir Sesi Dis 2011

Sempena peperiksaan akhir yang akan menjelam pada minggu hadapan ini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan SELAMAT MENGHADAPI PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR kepada bekas-bekas pelajar saya di Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Green Technology (Part 2)

The objectives of the NGTP are:
  • To reduce the energy usage rate and at the same time increase economic growth.
  • To facilitate the growth of the green technology industry and enhance its contribution to the national economy.
  • To increase national capability and capacity for innovation in green technology development and enhance Malaysia's competitiveness in green technology in the global arena.
  • To ensure sustainable development and conserve the environment for future generations.
  • To enhance public education and awareness on green technology and encourage its widespread use.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Beautiful Places At Kota Kinabalu

It is no doubt that Sabah is one of the most beautiful places to be in Malaysia. Staying in the house alone is a bad ass so I set for sightseeing at Kota Kinabalu city center. Due to limited resource (money of course!), I only managed to have a free-budget mini sightseeing around Sutera Harbour and Anjung Senja.

I always wondered every time I go to work and return back home right after what lies at the Sutera Harbour. There you go, it is a place for big-money bearer to pour in. Hotel, resort, golf course to name a few are among the settlement that existed here and most of all is the beautiful and white sandy beaches spread just in front of my eyes.

Friday, 13 April 2012

There And Back Again!

Fifteen the most survival days left me no chance to write in my blog. Shifting to a very new place has pushed me to the limit. This is what I'm trained ever since I left my university's life. Deeply from the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah S.W.T. for helping me to get survived in Sabah after a very tough test of time and my thanks extended to all my teachers at UiTM Jengka and Shah Alam for nurturing me to be a survivor.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Green Technology (Part 1)

At present, peoples from all around the globe are talking about the green technology. From the kindergarten kids to high-ranked executives as well as our major world leaders chatting the technology that associated to our mother nature. What is really this "green technology"?

Monday, 2 April 2012

Saat-saat Indah Sebelum Meninggalkan PSA

29 Mac 2012 merupakan satu tarikh keramat buat diriku kerana pada ianya adalah hari terakhir aku berada di Semenanjung Malaysia sebelum memulakan satu bab yang baharu di dalam diari kehidupanku sebagai seorang pensyarah politeknik.

Seawal jam 6.00 pagi mataku sudah dibuka menandakan aku akan memulakan satu episod baharu di dalam pengembaraanku merentas liku-liku kehidupan pensyarah politeknik yang penuh dengan pancaroba dan cabaran. Aku akur terhadap apa yang diperlakukan terhadap diriku dan aku tidak akan berpatah balik untuk menyembah kaki-kaki manusia yang sangat bangsat di Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Harapan Baharu Di Tempat Kerja Baharu

Kalau dikira-kirakan hanya tinggal lagi 9 hari lagi aku berada di bumi PSA yang bertuah ini sebelum memulakan kehidupan baharuku di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Alhamdulillah hatiku semakin tenang untuk menyusun kembali kerjayaku yang saban tahun berkecamuk disebabkan pelbagai masalah-masalah di sekelilingku yang terpaksa kutanggung.

Monday, 19 March 2012

10 Hari Lagi...

10 hari lagi aku akan pergi ke Politeknik Kota Kinabalu meninggalkan Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz yang telah banyak mengajarku erti kehidupan sebagai seorang penjawat awam. 11 tahun yang penuh dengan warna-warni liputan sejarah aku sebagai pendidik di PSA sudah cukup mematangkanku dalam mengharungi nota baharu di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu kelak.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Perjalananku Sebagai Seorang Pensyarah Politeknik

29 Mac 2012 mungkin atau tidak menjadi tarikh keramat kepada perkhidmatanku di dalam kerajaan. Pada tarikh tersebut mungkin atau tidak aku akan terbang ke Politeknik Kota Kinabalu meninggalkan Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah yang penuh dengan warna-warni kehidupan dan mungkin segala penipuan, korupsi atau salah guna kuasa, siapa tahu?

Friday, 24 February 2012

CW505 Assignment 1 Presentation

Here, I attached all of your work pieces. For any group that still not uploaded the video please do so before 27 Feb 2012. Any still late submission will be forfeited and your mark will be zero mandatory.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Congrats to all my newly promoted colleagues BUT...

Kunyit Mencegah Penyakit Alzheimer (Nyanyuk)

LONDON 16 Feb. - Sekumpulan saintis di Sweden menemui sejenis bahan yang terkandung dalam kunyit (curcumin) mampu membantu mencegah penyakit Alzheimer atau nyanyuk di kalangan warga emas - satu lagi sebab untuk kita menyenaraikan bahan tersebut dalam menu harian.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Memoir At UiTM Jengka, Pahang

A memoir at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Jengka Pahang is my barely personal travel log that tell thousands memory while staying at UiTM Jengka, Pahang on the past 10 - 12 February 2012. UiTM Jengka was so synonym with PSA students doing their practical day and night and I still remember that I had seven consecutive exhausted weeks once in my past travel experience.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Field Trip to Penang National Park 3 - 5 Feb 2012

Nothing more than a joyful moment every time I had a field trip with my student. There is no doubt that for every single field trips I really do enjoy it, I love to deliver something to my students whether they accept it or not. I want them to know how important this gem could ever take and how crucial they are in keeping our Earth in perfect balance.

It was the fourth official visit to Penang National Park by me since the first trip in June 2010. For me this field trip is just not only to comply with MQA's regulation, but for most of all is to deliver to the students whatever knowledge they should get.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Assalamualaikum w.b.h. and greetings to all my fellow students. I would like to outline the information regarding your presentation as I mentioned earlier in the previous class.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Field Trip - Segari Melintang Forest Reserved and Eco-Education Center Kuala Sepetang

On 27/01/2012, I had a second trip to Compartment 42, Segari Melintang Forest Reserved, Lumut, Perak with my fellow student. This time, I was accompanied by Cik Nafizah because of En. Kamal has to stay home alerts for his fourth baby delivery. We departed from PSA nearly 11.00 o.clock and the journey took almost 5 hours thanks to our beloved drivers, En. Murad and En. Mazhar. We stopped at Tapah R&R to perform Solat Jama' and Qasar and also to refill our stomach with some food on the way to the Segari.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Let The Kids Do Their Job

Yesterday, I received a phone call from my dad's house and it was my second daughter whose on the line. "Daddy! I'm very sorry because I'm no longer in 1 Brilliant class, from now on I was shifted into 1 Excellent class (the second ranked class)" she said to me very clear and loud. At the moment, I cannot afford to say anything, just a bit confuse. Then, when the ice just started to melt down, in very cool and loving tone, I said to my daughter, Farahiin, "No matter what class you're in, I don't bother as long as you eager to learn and capable of 4M (Mengira, Menulis, Membaca dan Menaakul) that are so enough for me!".

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Front Page for CW101 and CW102

Dear my fellows DBK1 students, kindly download the editable front page for CW101 and CW102 from "Download menu" or click the linkage any of these pictures:

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Field Trip To Shah Alam Botanical Garden Dec 2011

I had a second visit to Shah Alam Botanical Garden since the last semester on 12 January 2011. This time there are only 19 students who were joined the trip. It took about four hours trekking and measuring tree girth at diameter breast height (dbh). Amazingly, we had managed to record 58 trees of commercial species of dipterocarp and non-dipterocarp families. What a tremendous efforts from DBK1 Dec 2011 batch I must said.

Monday, 9 January 2012

New Year New Blood

A new chapter has just opened in this new year saga. As usual, first new bloods will step into the world of woodtech by doing their dendrology practical in Dipterocarp and Non-dipterocarp Arboretum FRIM, Kepong. Although I did the same little thing in every new coming semester lingering at the same place has never faded since the first new courses implemented by Malaysia Polytechnics. Being an educator must first educate yourself for not easily get bored. Only dedicated educators could ever managed to stay in long period of time in this line.

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